"Preparing for our posthuman future of artificial intelligence" !!! How?
jaguarnight2012@yahoo.com [Fabric-of-Reality]
2017-03-10 14:44:51 UTC
http://www.kurzweilai.net/preparing-for-our-posthuman-future-of-artificial-intelligence http://www.kurzweilai.net/preparing-for-our-posthuman-future-of-artificial-intelligence

[Nevertheless, after a very interesting first portion, Technology Vs. Humanity thereupon devolves into the kind of repetitious proselytization that can be distilled into two sentences:
We should all try to retain mastery over mechanisms that cannot ever have any ethical constraints of their own. All that we hold dear will be doomed, unless we consistently, forcefully and perpetually apply upon our tools moral standards that have served humanity to this point.]