New Scientist Live 22–25 September 2016 at ExCeL London
jaguarnight2012@yahoo.com [Fabric-of-Reality]
2016-09-15 07:52:31 UTC
New Scientist Live 22 to 26 September, London ExCeL https://live.newscientist.com/?cmpid=ILC%257CNSNS%257C2016-GLOBAL-ticker&utm_medium=ILC&utm_source=NSNS&utm_campaign=ticker

New Scientist Live 22 to 26 September, London ExCeL https://live.newscientist.com/?cmpid=ILC%257CNSNS%257C2016-GLOBAL-ticker&utm_medium=ILC&utm_source=NSNS&utm_campaign=ticker Join us at New Scientist Live for the UK's biggest festival of science, technology, ideas and discovery with Tim Peake, Dara O'Briain, Alice Roberts

View on live.newscientist.com https://live.newscientist.com/?cmpid=ILC%257CNSNS%257C2016-GLOBAL-ticker&utm_medium=ILC&utm_source=NSNS&utm_campaign=ticker
Preview by Yahoo
thomasdoll710@yahoo.de [Fabric-of-Reality]
2016-09-23 08:39:58 UTC
Hello Iam ropsociologist in socilogy of the seventheens. My teacher in analytical philiosophy was Hans Albert. You know by the contovery with JÌrgen Habermas at sociologue congress in1961 in TÌbingen. Albert clear won against Habermas.And then Albert was friendly with Karl Popper and is fiendly with Mario Bunge, in my opinion the most eloborated philosopher of the world. I will now immigrate from Mannheim to Sigtuna in Sweden nearby Stockholm: The main reason is, that we have a very cruel sunmmer period in Mannheim.Temperatures about 40° C throgh 4 until 6 weeks permanent,Thats the climate Change. Oky I am democratic socialist and I wiil be in contact with socialdemocraterna in Sigtuna and Stockholm. Then I am entrepreneur movies and bokks, In summer2017 I will start a swedishgerman love dokusuops. The diologes are proved logically.There my aesthics is of nommoligal characther. Then I prefere the aesthics of Stanley Kubrick which nommological too. His princiles is to promote good classical and modern music. And you know how rotating space station will receive the space shuttle. The scene is designed in suchway. The music has a certain time to play.The set is so constructeg thaht he exactly respect the lengt of music. You can say that it is organic and a aesthic of nommoligical quality. And even you have no symphathies for that movie, because there is no dilalogue. You must confess that you feelings are very toched by that moment that all is governed by the time the music plays. I f threre were a god that his taste making moovies.
contact data Thomas Doll.Mainstr.34,68167 Mannheim 00491752503 001 ***@yahoo.de
Greetings Thomas Doll

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