My ideas
Thomas Doll
2013-01-13 18:56:12 UTC

I once studied sociology and analtical philosophy at Mannheim University. I listen to professor Albert a Popper friend and Professor Esser, who followed Albert. Albert mentioned Mario Bunge,click on mario bunge Canada, who said that natural scientist often prefer positivism in relation to social science.They have everyday life ideas abut society. Esser said, that threr exist the difference between soft and hard science.

Popper and Albert promoted in the sixities naturalism for social science. In Germany at that time they were in a minority position. Now the naturalistic idea is much more common in Germany.The idea was to gain such contentful theoriesin social science like Albert Einstein in natural science.But social science theory is much more soft like physics. If you analyse a stone of the moon,you the analysis results are always the same, but if you have an interview with the same questions again, threr will be abias. having ideas,thre will be the effect of Robert K. Mertons of selfulfilling prophecy or selfdestroying prophecy. Sociology must be much more soft like physics, cause society has a much shorterchange then cosmicphenomenas and a longer change like microsystems in physics. The science is emb
eded in society

Example oecological questions. Natural scientist often discuss it as aquestion of better techniques, but its is aproblem of society How to convince people of öcologism.Small is beautiful (Schuhmacher) Its simple everybody, I mean individuals should gain money, if they produces energy. That means you must have apolicy against big buisiness. There still exist smart cheap strategies,but you cannot earn money with them.

The natural science prefer high eleborated technologies with a lot of money . Nature will work economical and tthe same laws are valid for society. Why are we fascinated by looking in the universe. The solution is apsychological. Lokking in space means looking in the dark and we are 30 percent much more creative than in brightness. please natural scientist back to man.

Thinking like scientist is not our mission.the complexity of brain was created cause of social needs and the coming up of emotions, with agrowing brain. I do not prefer Karl Marx but I agree with him: Dont touch the earth with your head but with your feet. (Vom Kopf auf die Füsse Stellen)

With kind regards
Thomas Doll

Against misunderstandings: cause our society is such eleborated we need high technology cause of surviving, but we must proove it accordingg the law of society