2013-06-13 07:09:41 UTC
I think I've asked this before but I don't recall the answer and can't find it in the archives.
The question is...what, if anything, rules out configurations whereby static memes become paired in such way each one not just reinforces the other, but literally provides the usefulness of the other.
An example of this would be where one meme creates a problem, that the other meme solves.
I think David Deutsch argued this couldn't happen, but I cannot see why that would be. It could surely come about by random chance?
Once such a pairing was in place it would amount to a powerful self-reinforcing dynamic that tended to drive copying of both.
The reason this came up again was in the course of re-reading "The Jump to Universality" chapter. Deutsch gives an interesting discussion revolving around the emergence of mathematics, with some examples of Roman numerals. How the rules for how numerals get added, multipled, replaced with higher order numerals and so on, literally created a reality whereby the numerals themselves were causing such operations to take place. In some meaningful sense.
Well...my idea about pairing actually doesn't propose anything not already present in this idea about the numerals. In a meaningful sense, the numerals aren't just doing the operations by themselves, they are also creating new possibilities for new kinds of problem to become not only defined, but also solved. The idea of accounting is one I think Deutsch mentions.
The point here is that, I think the numeral situation could probably be set up along the lines of this pairing effect. The pairing, for example could be between the operations the numerals do on themselves, and some new concept like accounting or inventory making that becomes a reality in the society as a result. Thereby reinforcing the usefulness of the numerals and the arithemetic operations, which in turn reinforce the operation of this concept of accounting.
Where these memes form structures with these mutually reinforcing causalities, the overall structure makes the copying and recurrence of all the individual memes that much more fixed-in and robust.
So in conclusion....
What was the objection, if any, to my proposal - which I don't regard as saying anything new or different - basically that where memes happen - perhaps randomly - to become paired, a force of natural selection will be felt by each meme, caused by the other.
Is this legitimate in your view?
The question is...what, if anything, rules out configurations whereby static memes become paired in such way each one not just reinforces the other, but literally provides the usefulness of the other.
An example of this would be where one meme creates a problem, that the other meme solves.
I think David Deutsch argued this couldn't happen, but I cannot see why that would be. It could surely come about by random chance?
Once such a pairing was in place it would amount to a powerful self-reinforcing dynamic that tended to drive copying of both.
The reason this came up again was in the course of re-reading "The Jump to Universality" chapter. Deutsch gives an interesting discussion revolving around the emergence of mathematics, with some examples of Roman numerals. How the rules for how numerals get added, multipled, replaced with higher order numerals and so on, literally created a reality whereby the numerals themselves were causing such operations to take place. In some meaningful sense.
Well...my idea about pairing actually doesn't propose anything not already present in this idea about the numerals. In a meaningful sense, the numerals aren't just doing the operations by themselves, they are also creating new possibilities for new kinds of problem to become not only defined, but also solved. The idea of accounting is one I think Deutsch mentions.
The point here is that, I think the numeral situation could probably be set up along the lines of this pairing effect. The pairing, for example could be between the operations the numerals do on themselves, and some new concept like accounting or inventory making that becomes a reality in the society as a result. Thereby reinforcing the usefulness of the numerals and the arithemetic operations, which in turn reinforce the operation of this concept of accounting.
Where these memes form structures with these mutually reinforcing causalities, the overall structure makes the copying and recurrence of all the individual memes that much more fixed-in and robust.
So in conclusion....
What was the objection, if any, to my proposal - which I don't regard as saying anything new or different - basically that where memes happen - perhaps randomly - to become paired, a force of natural selection will be felt by each meme, caused by the other.
Is this legitimate in your view?