Something else about CT
2012-12-17 04:30:19 UTC
Also....this idea of possible transformation conditionally possible at
some locale (dependent on some other set of transformations just took
place) seems fairly scale free in that it could be an incredibly complex
transformation made possible by an incredibly complex underlying set of

Given the CT would build transformations out of what cannot happen...so
a constraint-oriented structure. Isn't it the case that if enough
constraints existed on a particular transformation, in the limit in fact
the technology of the constructor itself would also be revealed (or set
of possible technologies). Isn't that just a higher level of detail?
David Deutsch
2012-12-17 11:10:48 UTC
Post by hibbsa
Also....this idea of possible transformation conditionally possible at
some locale (dependent on some other set of transformations just took
place) seems fairly scale free in that it could be an incredibly complex
transformation made possible by an incredibly complex underlying set of
Well, a construction is defined as taking place in isolation. (Constructor+substrates isolated.) So if conditions are required, they are just substrates and so 'conditionally possible' is not a separate concept from 'possible'.
Post by hibbsa
Given the CT would build transformations out of what cannot happen...so
a constraint-oriented structure. Isn't it the case that if enough
constraints existed on a particular transformation, in the limit in fact
the technology of the constructor itself would also be revealed (or set
of possible technologies). Isn't that just a higher level of detail?
If I understand you correctly -- yes.

-- David Deutsch
