Brett Hall
2014-01-15 03:39:49 UTC
This year's Edge question: "What scientific idea is ready for retirement?" has Martin Rees saying what I have heard a number of other physicists saying recently: there *is* a limit to human understanding. His response - is that the idea in need of retirement is: "We'll Never Hit Barriers To Scientific Understanding".
This reminds me of what the populariser of science, Neil DeGrasse Tyson says (almost!) each time he makes a public appearance; he is afraid our brains won't be good enough to understand the laws of physics and you'll perhaps need a brain twice the size, like some alien intelligence, to eventually grasp the nature of (say) dark energy or whatever. He is a fan of science fiction and the possibility of alien life but, apparently, not of augmenting our own brains to be "twice the size" with a computer or whatever.
Back to Rees; he seems to be saying that the inability to *visualise* some shape is a limitation to comprehension. But this seems precisely what it is not. That is, his own example here of the Mandelbrot set, to my mind, is exactly why our understanding need not be bounded. Just because we cannot visualise it, does not mean we will fail to understand it.
Am I missing something?
Say other galaxies had been discovered well before the theory of computation was understood. One might well have argued that understanding what happens when two galaxies "collide" will forever be beyond human comprehension because that would take modelling 200+ billion objects interacting with another 200+ billion objects and no human could ever understand/compute that. It would take more time than available to even a large group of humans to calculate over many lifetimes. But of course we can, and do. It just takes a little bit more technology than pen and paper.
This reminds me of what the populariser of science, Neil DeGrasse Tyson says (almost!) each time he makes a public appearance; he is afraid our brains won't be good enough to understand the laws of physics and you'll perhaps need a brain twice the size, like some alien intelligence, to eventually grasp the nature of (say) dark energy or whatever. He is a fan of science fiction and the possibility of alien life but, apparently, not of augmenting our own brains to be "twice the size" with a computer or whatever.
Nonetheless and here I'm sticking my neck out maybe some aspects of reality are intrinsically beyond us, in that their comprehension would require some post-human intellectâjust as Euclidean geometry is beyond non-human primates.
Some may contest this by pointing out that there is no limit to what is computable. But being computable isn't the same as being conceptually graspable. To give a trivial example, anyone who has learnt Cartesian geometry can readily visualize a simple pattern a line or a circle when they're given the equation for it. But nobody given the (simple seeming) algorithm for drawing the Mandelbrot Set could visualise its amazing intricaciesâ even though drawing the pattern is only a modest task for a computer.
That does not seem right to me. I think Descartes had a similar idea, but came down on the other side. Descartes pointed out that when we think of a square we can visualise it *and* have an understanding of it held in our minds. But with what he called a "hiliogon" (a thousand sided figure) although we cannot visualise such a thing, we can *understand* such a figure is possible. Descartes was trying to argue that although we cannot visualise an infinite being (god) we can nonetheless comprehend the existence of one.Some may contest this by pointing out that there is no limit to what is computable. But being computable isn't the same as being conceptually graspable. To give a trivial example, anyone who has learnt Cartesian geometry can readily visualize a simple pattern a line or a circle when they're given the equation for it. But nobody given the (simple seeming) algorithm for drawing the Mandelbrot Set could visualise its amazing intricaciesâ even though drawing the pattern is only a modest task for a computer.
Back to Rees; he seems to be saying that the inability to *visualise* some shape is a limitation to comprehension. But this seems precisely what it is not. That is, his own example here of the Mandelbrot set, to my mind, is exactly why our understanding need not be bounded. Just because we cannot visualise it, does not mean we will fail to understand it.
Am I missing something?
It would be unduly anthropocentric to believe that all of science and a proper concept of all aspects of realityâis within human mental powers to grasp. Whether the really long-range future lies with organic post-humans or with intelligent machines is a matter for debate but either way, there will be insights into reality left for them to discover.
It seems this is the mistake not of anthropocentrism, but parochialism on the part of Rees. Why are we limited in this way by our abstract human minds? If we need more memory to understand stuff, or more computational speed, that is merely a matter of technology, right? But if we augment our human biology with silicon or some other thing, we will still be humans or "earth people" or persons, in the relevant sense. My guess is we already do augment our brains in this way, and as more memory and speed is required, we will continue to.Say other galaxies had been discovered well before the theory of computation was understood. One might well have argued that understanding what happens when two galaxies "collide" will forever be beyond human comprehension because that would take modelling 200+ billion objects interacting with another 200+ billion objects and no human could ever understand/compute that. It would take more time than available to even a large group of humans to calculate over many lifetimes. But of course we can, and do. It just takes a little bit more technology than pen and paper.