2013-08-30 14:32:14 UTC
I know it's good philosophy, the best explanation literally true and so
on, but I do have a lot of resistance to including MWI with hard science
theories, as if it's actually out there. Where do you stand on this?
I actually think Deutsch's ideas around this are....fine if that's the
right way to go for the philosophy...but they do not reflect scientific
philosophy at all.
There's two components to this. First the popperdeutsch idea that if
there is an explanatory gap, the first thing to do is throw an
explanation into that gap.
There might be instances of that in scientific history, but if there is
it'll have to be in the weaker less productive threads. Certainly, where
science has been most productive, the really key arterial veins that
produced the enduring discoveries, explanatory gaps - gaping holes even
- were left, sometimes for hundreds of years.
This is because the history of those most productive threads, is where
we most clearly see the phenomenon whereby theoretical breakthroughs
both advanced and confused things at the same time.
Deutsch and Popper do talk about this effect - of good explanations also
creating new problems to solve - but neither of them get it quite right,
or not in terms of what actually happened.
Again where science was most productive, the breakthroughs didn't just
created new problems, but new problems with the distinct property of not
even being satisfyingly definable in terms of the background conceptual
framework to the theoretical breakthrough. In other words, the problems
were of such form, almost definitively they could not be solved on the
same terms as the breakthrough that created them.
It took time but this phenomenon consistently emerged where the science
being done was most productive and most robust. Most mathematical, the
researchers the most ingenious. As an aside, C another problem with the
DeutschPopper notion science as Explanatory - that being a verbal
arrangement within a discussional context generically with the structure
of some problem statement followed by some explanation:
this might work for some threads of science, and perhaps to an extent
for all. But something neither Popper nor Deutsch explain, nor even
address, is the question of why, if they are correct, the most
productive, most revolutionary, most far reaching scientific threads,
are all at the other end of the spectrum. They are profoundly
mathematical, profoundly terse and profoundly predictive. I am speaking
of the theories that knocked on into technological and industrial
revolutions. The most influential, far reaching, world changing shit in
the box,.
How does that work? If Deutsch is right, why is all the greatest science
non-verbal. Sure, it's explanatory, but the language is maths. Surely if
Deutsch was right we'd see things in the other direction, with clear
evidence of intensive C&R.....I always think of those Victorian
gentlemen in smoking jackets, pipe smoke in the air, bitches in the
kitchen, awfully rational, one says in reply to the other, who had just
said "I have a conjecture.."
But seriously, don't you think this is an important question? I should
think Deutsch would seek to neuter the issue by indicating that all
these positive characteristics, most robust, most predictive, most far
reaching, most fundamental, most breaking through to technology; perhaps
all of that, he will say, is justificationalist. In that, surely I am
suggesting these theories are *more likely* to be true due to these
positive features.
But I actually think that's a load of crap (and note I'm not saying
Deutsch *would* say it). What about you Gary? For one thing, the context
is historical hindsight, and not a play off between two competing
explanations. And so there it still stands. Why, Deutsch, if you are
right, are all the most influential and important theories the least
like the sort of thing you envisage?
But anyway, back to the nature of the 'problems' that come out of the
best science. Yeah, so they cannot be solved in terms of the science
being done right there. Like, Newton's gravity - the conceptual
framework supporting it - couldn't do anything with the problem of
non-locality in the force of gravity. Everyone knew it at the time.
Newton knew it was a huge problem....basically he backed it off onto
But they didn't try throwing explanations at the problem, because - I
think - their efforts in science had already garnered I them an
instinct....a scientific instinct...which allowed many of them to share
in the insight that although the problem would need to be solved
eventually, it was impossible for them to solve it now.....to a
scientific standard. I mean, they could throw an explanation at it. In
fact, do you know, I think it would be very feasible to explain that
force using a multiverse concept.
So, lucky you neo-scientist/philosopher types weren't the dominant force
back then eh? You might have discovered a multiverse there too, and we
would have spent the last 400 years throwing verbal explanations between
ourselves, and presumably science would have gone in another direction.
Gone back to where it came from: philosophy.
But anyway, back to the properties of such problems in general. You see,
Science was rewarded for keeping its powder dry and not throwing
explanations at everything. For what happened, was that over time
several of the hardest science threads were increasingly in the same
boat. They were all facing problems that could not be solved in terms of
themselves, and for a while things seemed to be grinding to a halt. A
bit like right now really.
But then it began to become clear these problems, did seem to become
defined when these previous separate threads were considered together.
Indeed also when the problems were considered together.
But a huge barrier was that each thread had defined different concepts
meaning different things. Now, what I think DeutschPopper would have
done, is kick off a round of explanations and criticisms seeking to
unifying these concepts. But that is actually totally anathema to the
'scientific instinct'...at least where things were most productive.
You just don't do that. After all the work they had done making
everything precise, and squeezing out all the subjectivit and ambiguity,
they just KNEW that some kind of conversational mashup of what were
already shaky concepts, would amount to throwing a huge shit pile of
subjectivity and misconception right into the middle of their beautiful
They knew, instinctually, that there was just no way to deal with those
concepts directly at all. Something that was much more practical and
empirical and objective was needed. And in my view this is an example of
one of the many overlooked or underappreciated moments of true genius.
What they did was set about revolutionizing the conceptual frameworks
defining units of measurement, ways of expressing measures, scales, and
so on.
Genius, because it was inherently friendly to mathematics.....,and the
power of mathematics is rigourous translations...from one form to
another. As such, the units revolutions naturally joined, translated
between and converted the previously separate threads, and wo and
behold, common conceptual frameworks arose naturally out of them.
And so the really big, even bigger, biggest yet revolutions then
occurred. Not as 'bold conjectures' - a conception which seems to amount
to simply standing on a rock and saying "I say, universalism!". Not as
that, but as the build up of convergent theories, and problems, and that
they shared between this property of needing to be explained in terms of
These really big scientific breakthroughs...the more big they are, the
more they weren't bold conjectures. More sort of 'grown' organically. By
the time, for example Special Relativity was published, Special
Revativity, almost in its entirety existed all around that space as a
set of constraints, convergent theories, problems, questions. So tight
was it, that arguably special relativity was pretty much discovered by
the constraints, since its outline and shape was clearly defined.
Don't you find that remarkable, and beautiful? But don't you also agree
that this is something completely other to that envisioned by
DeutschPopper. Also that their philosophy simply does not contain the
conceptual framework that would be necessary to even begin to....even
begin to see it even if it was right before your eyes.
The one exemption appears to be Einstein's General Relativity, which
would be crushingly notable if the case since that has got to be the
greatest most ingenious odessy of all time. But the problem is that it's
so hard to uncover what actually happened and who was involved, and what
other constrains and issues were materializing. This is partly because
this is one of those instances were priority has become a matter of
honour for the various warring factions. So it's sort of a no go area
for some.
But I am totally passionate that we *need* to be studying the history in
more detail, and we need to be ready to discovery things didn't happen
quite as we thought. For example, how much of Newton's gravity solution
was clarified and laid out by Hook? Hook was a remarkable genius and
Newton hated him, and when he was given the top post, he actually set
about destroying Hooks notes.
Then there is the matter of calculus. There is no way a conception like
that happens in two places independently. It can happen, but calculus is
too complex, and too goal oriented, and also too solvable by other forms
and means. They both came up with the same solution. It's pretty clear
to me that it wasn't Newton, and the way I deduce that is by simply
looking at the units. Liebnitz created something beautiful and deeply
relevant with great utility (for example you can derive a geometrical
formual for a shape, say, within a process whereby the dx of the dy/dx
is simply multipled across, so now to mean, literally dx, as some
infinesimal extent of x.
Back to General Revativity. Something that is widely said is that this
was invented by Einstein out of nowhere like a bolt, and thus if
Einstein had not existed the theory might still not be with us even now.
I mean, that is definitely bollocks, because we know for a fact that
Hilbert independently published the comprehensive, completed, field
equations a *week* before Einstein did. He just never botherd to argue
for priority. But...right there we have another person who independently
created General Revativity. As an aside, I think it's likely that this
is why Einstein never received a Nobel for General Relativity. The Nobel
committee were uncomfortable crediting Einstein when someone else had
clearly published first. There's at least a hint of this discomfort
nearly 100 years later still on the Nobel site. See the bottom comment
on this page describing the General Relativity timeline and I quote:
"1915 On November 25, nearly ten years after the foundation of special
relativity, Einstein submitted his paper The Field Equations of
Gravitation for publication, which gave the correct field equations for
the theory of general relativity (or general relativity for short).
Actually, the German mathematician David Hilbert submitted an article
containing the correct field equations for general relativity five days
before Einstein. Hilbert never claimed priority for this theory."
And that's the official nobel site
Plus there's more outside involvement. The conception of Spacetime as a
4D world was contributed by another party...though it's not clear
whether that included curvature. I should think not. But there are other
bits besides. So....what I would say is, yes GR could falsify a
consistent theoretical basis of larger theories being 'grown' by build
ups of problems and constrains. But the jury is still out. The fat lady
has not sung. My hunch is that all large theories see the same patterns
building up to them. The only exception that would be consistent, would
be where a mathematical genius produces something that is partially
physics inspired, but heavily influenced in formation by mathematical
beauties inherent to the formulation.
In that instance, it is conceivable a huge leap can take place out of
the blue. This is because when it happens the event always seems defined
by the mathematician not fully realizing himself the depth his equations
were going to (I forget the equation name but for example the discovery
of anti-matter as it just falling out of the equation invited) and also
the known (but unexplained) affinity mathematics has with nature and
Well so there you go. Not only does Science not agree that an
explanatory gap has to be filled as a top priority with whatever
material is to hand, but Science *profoundly* disagrees on this point,
and in fact, had Science gone about things that way, it is very
plausible that none of the major scientific breakthroughs would ever
have occurred. Because...those breakthroughs are inextricably linked to
a build up of problems and questions, all of which had been left CLEAN.
That's disjoint one.
Disjoint two, as said above, is that Deutschs C&R envisioning is
strangely incongruent with the characteristics of the most
groundbreaking scientific work, all of which adhered to strict rules
that appear aimed at *removing* loose text, and all them use the
explanatory language of mathematics almost exclusively.
Disjoint three brings us back to where I started which was with MWI.
Basically the whole way that theory comes about, the arguments for why
QM simply had to have an explanation as an immediate priority and so on.
All of this is totally at odds with Science. Basically, you saw a large
explanatory gap, and you threw an explanation at it. Not just you, but
the whole 'interpretation' movement. All of it was bad methodology in
terms of how the best science has come about. And....surprise
surprise...all of it has been TOTALLY STERILE in terms its productivity
seen from a historical context. Not only have we made no fundamental
progress in the last 50 years, but nor do we stand here now with a
really good set of problems, a single promising scientific avenue, nor
even a particularly clear agreement on what Science is.
Deutsch wants it to be philosophy again. Philosophy can never produce
beautiful predictions or mathematics, or technological revolutions or
industrial paradigm shifts, or radical explosive leaps in living
standards. Philosophy can never do that, because it simply lacks the
energy and conceptual frameworks, and methodological clarity, to ever
get things really tight and resolved. If Philosophy ever does, well then
it'll be Science. But as things stand, Philosophy can't have
babies....because Philosophy is a pre-scientific conception. It's
non-scientific. If Deutsch and others of his mind get their way, and
manage to make inroads into Science, then Science will die. Not because
Deutsch is bad, but because Deutsch is a philosopher, and philosophy
cannot produce scientific progress. All it can do is make Science back
into Philosophy.
And that is already a process well under way. Why do you all regard MWI
as so fundamental? You threw a freaking explanation at a huge hole and
then a bunch of philosophers showed up and said that to accept the best
current explanation as literally true was the true scientific way to do
things. This is one of the worst periods ever in the history of
science...at the fundamental frontier anyway. We've got a daft
explanation thrown at a huge hole, being nailed into place by
philosophers. We've got absolutely not one single sign of any
fundamental progress down the line. Increasingly we have no clue even
what the right direction to go in is. We've got enthuisiasts with
theories that have been running for 30 years and have never predicted a
single thing, and yet they seem to think they are going to get luck and
'bump into' objective reality as a kind of bizarre coincidence.
And worst of all we've got the line between philosophy and science now
so blurred for some people that half the time they are talking and
thinking clearly using philosophical - i.e. non-scientific,
pre-scientific asssumptions and conceptions. I mean shit, no progress,
so scientists are feeling a bit shitty. And yeah, if a philosopher comes
along and says "no progress......don't you worry my darling, we can
solve that just be redefining what progress actually is with this here
explanation". I mean, it's tempting I'm sure.
People don't see it because they are forgetting what science is at a
rate of knots. They don't see that philosophy, or any non-scientific
influence making inroads back into science as an influential force, is
TOTALLY UNPRECEDENTED in the history of science,. They don't see that
Science cannot survive such an invasion, because you see, Science does
not define itself. Does not define many of the mysteries surrounding
itself. Science does not throw definitions at holes. Science is no good
at defining things, because Science knows instinctually that discovery
has to come a different way....and where it does successfully the
definitions will look after themselves. So people don't see that
philosophy coming into science will dominate science because philosophy
will define it. Will define the importance of things, define what a
theory should look like, define the way the method should happen, define
what is the measure of a great theory. And of course the philosophers
will define great theories to be objects that look rather like the
explanation they are just about to knock you out with.
The philosophers don't mean evil, but because deep down inside they feel
inferior to science, and feel like they can't earn a living outside, so
feel like they just have to own science.....by defining it as basically
philosophy..... they are entering into a process of destruction...of
science. Maybe the Enlightenment.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
on, but I do have a lot of resistance to including MWI with hard science
theories, as if it's actually out there. Where do you stand on this?
I actually think Deutsch's ideas around this are....fine if that's the
right way to go for the philosophy...but they do not reflect scientific
philosophy at all.
There's two components to this. First the popperdeutsch idea that if
there is an explanatory gap, the first thing to do is throw an
explanation into that gap.
There might be instances of that in scientific history, but if there is
it'll have to be in the weaker less productive threads. Certainly, where
science has been most productive, the really key arterial veins that
produced the enduring discoveries, explanatory gaps - gaping holes even
- were left, sometimes for hundreds of years.
This is because the history of those most productive threads, is where
we most clearly see the phenomenon whereby theoretical breakthroughs
both advanced and confused things at the same time.
Deutsch and Popper do talk about this effect - of good explanations also
creating new problems to solve - but neither of them get it quite right,
or not in terms of what actually happened.
Again where science was most productive, the breakthroughs didn't just
created new problems, but new problems with the distinct property of not
even being satisfyingly definable in terms of the background conceptual
framework to the theoretical breakthrough. In other words, the problems
were of such form, almost definitively they could not be solved on the
same terms as the breakthrough that created them.
It took time but this phenomenon consistently emerged where the science
being done was most productive and most robust. Most mathematical, the
researchers the most ingenious. As an aside, C another problem with the
DeutschPopper notion science as Explanatory - that being a verbal
arrangement within a discussional context generically with the structure
of some problem statement followed by some explanation:
this might work for some threads of science, and perhaps to an extent
for all. But something neither Popper nor Deutsch explain, nor even
address, is the question of why, if they are correct, the most
productive, most revolutionary, most far reaching scientific threads,
are all at the other end of the spectrum. They are profoundly
mathematical, profoundly terse and profoundly predictive. I am speaking
of the theories that knocked on into technological and industrial
revolutions. The most influential, far reaching, world changing shit in
the box,.
How does that work? If Deutsch is right, why is all the greatest science
non-verbal. Sure, it's explanatory, but the language is maths. Surely if
Deutsch was right we'd see things in the other direction, with clear
evidence of intensive C&R.....I always think of those Victorian
gentlemen in smoking jackets, pipe smoke in the air, bitches in the
kitchen, awfully rational, one says in reply to the other, who had just
said "I have a conjecture.."
But seriously, don't you think this is an important question? I should
think Deutsch would seek to neuter the issue by indicating that all
these positive characteristics, most robust, most predictive, most far
reaching, most fundamental, most breaking through to technology; perhaps
all of that, he will say, is justificationalist. In that, surely I am
suggesting these theories are *more likely* to be true due to these
positive features.
But I actually think that's a load of crap (and note I'm not saying
Deutsch *would* say it). What about you Gary? For one thing, the context
is historical hindsight, and not a play off between two competing
explanations. And so there it still stands. Why, Deutsch, if you are
right, are all the most influential and important theories the least
like the sort of thing you envisage?
But anyway, back to the nature of the 'problems' that come out of the
best science. Yeah, so they cannot be solved in terms of the science
being done right there. Like, Newton's gravity - the conceptual
framework supporting it - couldn't do anything with the problem of
non-locality in the force of gravity. Everyone knew it at the time.
Newton knew it was a huge problem....basically he backed it off onto
But they didn't try throwing explanations at the problem, because - I
think - their efforts in science had already garnered I them an
instinct....a scientific instinct...which allowed many of them to share
in the insight that although the problem would need to be solved
eventually, it was impossible for them to solve it now.....to a
scientific standard. I mean, they could throw an explanation at it. In
fact, do you know, I think it would be very feasible to explain that
force using a multiverse concept.
So, lucky you neo-scientist/philosopher types weren't the dominant force
back then eh? You might have discovered a multiverse there too, and we
would have spent the last 400 years throwing verbal explanations between
ourselves, and presumably science would have gone in another direction.
Gone back to where it came from: philosophy.
But anyway, back to the properties of such problems in general. You see,
Science was rewarded for keeping its powder dry and not throwing
explanations at everything. For what happened, was that over time
several of the hardest science threads were increasingly in the same
boat. They were all facing problems that could not be solved in terms of
themselves, and for a while things seemed to be grinding to a halt. A
bit like right now really.
But then it began to become clear these problems, did seem to become
defined when these previous separate threads were considered together.
Indeed also when the problems were considered together.
But a huge barrier was that each thread had defined different concepts
meaning different things. Now, what I think DeutschPopper would have
done, is kick off a round of explanations and criticisms seeking to
unifying these concepts. But that is actually totally anathema to the
'scientific instinct'...at least where things were most productive.
You just don't do that. After all the work they had done making
everything precise, and squeezing out all the subjectivit and ambiguity,
they just KNEW that some kind of conversational mashup of what were
already shaky concepts, would amount to throwing a huge shit pile of
subjectivity and misconception right into the middle of their beautiful
They knew, instinctually, that there was just no way to deal with those
concepts directly at all. Something that was much more practical and
empirical and objective was needed. And in my view this is an example of
one of the many overlooked or underappreciated moments of true genius.
What they did was set about revolutionizing the conceptual frameworks
defining units of measurement, ways of expressing measures, scales, and
so on.
Genius, because it was inherently friendly to mathematics.....,and the
power of mathematics is rigourous translations...from one form to
another. As such, the units revolutions naturally joined, translated
between and converted the previously separate threads, and wo and
behold, common conceptual frameworks arose naturally out of them.
And so the really big, even bigger, biggest yet revolutions then
occurred. Not as 'bold conjectures' - a conception which seems to amount
to simply standing on a rock and saying "I say, universalism!". Not as
that, but as the build up of convergent theories, and problems, and that
they shared between this property of needing to be explained in terms of
These really big scientific breakthroughs...the more big they are, the
more they weren't bold conjectures. More sort of 'grown' organically. By
the time, for example Special Relativity was published, Special
Revativity, almost in its entirety existed all around that space as a
set of constraints, convergent theories, problems, questions. So tight
was it, that arguably special relativity was pretty much discovered by
the constraints, since its outline and shape was clearly defined.
Don't you find that remarkable, and beautiful? But don't you also agree
that this is something completely other to that envisioned by
DeutschPopper. Also that their philosophy simply does not contain the
conceptual framework that would be necessary to even begin to....even
begin to see it even if it was right before your eyes.
The one exemption appears to be Einstein's General Relativity, which
would be crushingly notable if the case since that has got to be the
greatest most ingenious odessy of all time. But the problem is that it's
so hard to uncover what actually happened and who was involved, and what
other constrains and issues were materializing. This is partly because
this is one of those instances were priority has become a matter of
honour for the various warring factions. So it's sort of a no go area
for some.
But I am totally passionate that we *need* to be studying the history in
more detail, and we need to be ready to discovery things didn't happen
quite as we thought. For example, how much of Newton's gravity solution
was clarified and laid out by Hook? Hook was a remarkable genius and
Newton hated him, and when he was given the top post, he actually set
about destroying Hooks notes.
Then there is the matter of calculus. There is no way a conception like
that happens in two places independently. It can happen, but calculus is
too complex, and too goal oriented, and also too solvable by other forms
and means. They both came up with the same solution. It's pretty clear
to me that it wasn't Newton, and the way I deduce that is by simply
looking at the units. Liebnitz created something beautiful and deeply
relevant with great utility (for example you can derive a geometrical
formual for a shape, say, within a process whereby the dx of the dy/dx
is simply multipled across, so now to mean, literally dx, as some
infinesimal extent of x.
Back to General Revativity. Something that is widely said is that this
was invented by Einstein out of nowhere like a bolt, and thus if
Einstein had not existed the theory might still not be with us even now.
I mean, that is definitely bollocks, because we know for a fact that
Hilbert independently published the comprehensive, completed, field
equations a *week* before Einstein did. He just never botherd to argue
for priority. But...right there we have another person who independently
created General Revativity. As an aside, I think it's likely that this
is why Einstein never received a Nobel for General Relativity. The Nobel
committee were uncomfortable crediting Einstein when someone else had
clearly published first. There's at least a hint of this discomfort
nearly 100 years later still on the Nobel site. See the bottom comment
on this page describing the General Relativity timeline and I quote:
"1915 On November 25, nearly ten years after the foundation of special
relativity, Einstein submitted his paper The Field Equations of
Gravitation for publication, which gave the correct field equations for
the theory of general relativity (or general relativity for short).
Actually, the German mathematician David Hilbert submitted an article
containing the correct field equations for general relativity five days
before Einstein. Hilbert never claimed priority for this theory."
And that's the official nobel site
Plus there's more outside involvement. The conception of Spacetime as a
4D world was contributed by another party...though it's not clear
whether that included curvature. I should think not. But there are other
bits besides. So....what I would say is, yes GR could falsify a
consistent theoretical basis of larger theories being 'grown' by build
ups of problems and constrains. But the jury is still out. The fat lady
has not sung. My hunch is that all large theories see the same patterns
building up to them. The only exception that would be consistent, would
be where a mathematical genius produces something that is partially
physics inspired, but heavily influenced in formation by mathematical
beauties inherent to the formulation.
In that instance, it is conceivable a huge leap can take place out of
the blue. This is because when it happens the event always seems defined
by the mathematician not fully realizing himself the depth his equations
were going to (I forget the equation name but for example the discovery
of anti-matter as it just falling out of the equation invited) and also
the known (but unexplained) affinity mathematics has with nature and
Well so there you go. Not only does Science not agree that an
explanatory gap has to be filled as a top priority with whatever
material is to hand, but Science *profoundly* disagrees on this point,
and in fact, had Science gone about things that way, it is very
plausible that none of the major scientific breakthroughs would ever
have occurred. Because...those breakthroughs are inextricably linked to
a build up of problems and questions, all of which had been left CLEAN.
That's disjoint one.
Disjoint two, as said above, is that Deutschs C&R envisioning is
strangely incongruent with the characteristics of the most
groundbreaking scientific work, all of which adhered to strict rules
that appear aimed at *removing* loose text, and all them use the
explanatory language of mathematics almost exclusively.
Disjoint three brings us back to where I started which was with MWI.
Basically the whole way that theory comes about, the arguments for why
QM simply had to have an explanation as an immediate priority and so on.
All of this is totally at odds with Science. Basically, you saw a large
explanatory gap, and you threw an explanation at it. Not just you, but
the whole 'interpretation' movement. All of it was bad methodology in
terms of how the best science has come about. And....surprise
surprise...all of it has been TOTALLY STERILE in terms its productivity
seen from a historical context. Not only have we made no fundamental
progress in the last 50 years, but nor do we stand here now with a
really good set of problems, a single promising scientific avenue, nor
even a particularly clear agreement on what Science is.
Deutsch wants it to be philosophy again. Philosophy can never produce
beautiful predictions or mathematics, or technological revolutions or
industrial paradigm shifts, or radical explosive leaps in living
standards. Philosophy can never do that, because it simply lacks the
energy and conceptual frameworks, and methodological clarity, to ever
get things really tight and resolved. If Philosophy ever does, well then
it'll be Science. But as things stand, Philosophy can't have
babies....because Philosophy is a pre-scientific conception. It's
non-scientific. If Deutsch and others of his mind get their way, and
manage to make inroads into Science, then Science will die. Not because
Deutsch is bad, but because Deutsch is a philosopher, and philosophy
cannot produce scientific progress. All it can do is make Science back
into Philosophy.
And that is already a process well under way. Why do you all regard MWI
as so fundamental? You threw a freaking explanation at a huge hole and
then a bunch of philosophers showed up and said that to accept the best
current explanation as literally true was the true scientific way to do
things. This is one of the worst periods ever in the history of
science...at the fundamental frontier anyway. We've got a daft
explanation thrown at a huge hole, being nailed into place by
philosophers. We've got absolutely not one single sign of any
fundamental progress down the line. Increasingly we have no clue even
what the right direction to go in is. We've got enthuisiasts with
theories that have been running for 30 years and have never predicted a
single thing, and yet they seem to think they are going to get luck and
'bump into' objective reality as a kind of bizarre coincidence.
And worst of all we've got the line between philosophy and science now
so blurred for some people that half the time they are talking and
thinking clearly using philosophical - i.e. non-scientific,
pre-scientific asssumptions and conceptions. I mean shit, no progress,
so scientists are feeling a bit shitty. And yeah, if a philosopher comes
along and says "no progress......don't you worry my darling, we can
solve that just be redefining what progress actually is with this here
explanation". I mean, it's tempting I'm sure.
People don't see it because they are forgetting what science is at a
rate of knots. They don't see that philosophy, or any non-scientific
influence making inroads back into science as an influential force, is
TOTALLY UNPRECEDENTED in the history of science,. They don't see that
Science cannot survive such an invasion, because you see, Science does
not define itself. Does not define many of the mysteries surrounding
itself. Science does not throw definitions at holes. Science is no good
at defining things, because Science knows instinctually that discovery
has to come a different way....and where it does successfully the
definitions will look after themselves. So people don't see that
philosophy coming into science will dominate science because philosophy
will define it. Will define the importance of things, define what a
theory should look like, define the way the method should happen, define
what is the measure of a great theory. And of course the philosophers
will define great theories to be objects that look rather like the
explanation they are just about to knock you out with.
The philosophers don't mean evil, but because deep down inside they feel
inferior to science, and feel like they can't earn a living outside, so
feel like they just have to own science.....by defining it as basically
philosophy..... they are entering into a process of destruction...of
science. Maybe the Enlightenment.
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